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Monday, July 1, 2013

The Tale of the Possum

*** inside note, about four years ago we took a two week road trip covering about 16 states including Louisiana which I think is home of bouden balls and the opossum  road kill  - which we think was the mystery meet inside the bouden balls we tasted.  McCall loved opossums and even had a stuffed one as a souvenir from the southern states.  Uncle Jay - who lives in Mississippi- thought that was pretty funny that she would love these rodents.  That is why Morgan referred to McCall when telling this story.  McCall loves this!*** On with the Story.........

I wrote you a story. It's basically for McCall's benefit. I'll send a picture in the letter I'm getting sent this week.

Oh and Chandler, I need Kortnie and Kobe's email. Thanks.


Once upon a time, in a land not too far from where you live, is a magical community.

Within the walls, live three thousand teenagers. Now, these aren't your typical teenagers. They are missionaries. They willingly have class and study for over nine hours a day.  They feast upon mystery meat, green jell-o salad, and spinach, never knowing if that jell-o was made  yesterday, or yesteryear. They march about their acre-sized hamster cage, merrily singing hymns. These teenagers learn dozens of languages within these walls, and all can be found inside the Closet of Strange Languages. Better yet, you can visit the Building of Strange languages and observe students learning Tahitian, French, Mauri, Tonga, Samoan, Croatian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Albanian, Georgian, ASL, Kabuki, Malagasy, Hmong, and various others all within 3 simple floors.

Along with these three thousand missionaries, comes roughly six thousand suitcases. And, in more cases than not, these suitcases exceed the weight limit. Now, what is one to do when your suitcase is too full? The unpacking commences, and when the items causing the suitcase to weigh more than a baby elephant emerge, you are given a choice: to throw away or to give away.
We were taught when we were young to share. Well, in the corners of these missionaries' houses live big red boxes. These big boxes, hastily written in black sharpie, display the words, "FREE BOX."  Now, the free box is a magical thing. Imagine J.K Rowling's brilliant Room of Requirement condensed into a red box, and it magically has items you need appear the next day. Is your classroom wall decor falling apart? Would you like to fix it? Look no further than the Free Box! Hello duct tape!  Did you have a delicious cake sent to you? Would you like to eat that cake with a fork instead of like a dog? FREE BOX! 
Are you consistantly cold in class? Do you feel the need to put on a cozy sweater? Are you lacking a sweater? Well hello 3M basement floor free box.
Imagine a beautiful pillar of light was shining directly upon a gray ball. The ball was lovingly scooped up, the size tag was checked, and a new friendship was formed. This lovely, incredible, sweater, who knows why it was discarded, was an answer to a young girls plea for warmth.
"Maybe it's made of wool, maybe it's cotton, mohair?" The mystery sweater, with it's gorgeous, unfamiliar color, was burning wonder and amazement into the young girl's mind. "What is this delightful thing made of"
She quickly checks the tag.
Possum fur.
Yes. It's a keeper.

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