I want you all the sterotypical missionary stories you have heard. What "Horror" stories have you heard? Start listing them now! Pull up a new email, write down the missionary horror stories you have heard/lived and email it to morgan.taylor@myldsmail.net RIGHT NOW!
(Do you like my grill? Yes, I made a fire under a piece of metal.)
This week I am a living example of probably every single one of those stories. What happened this week?
On a blustery day, with no lessons planned, my extremely sick companion, Soeur Anzi, and I wandered into a small neighborhood in hope of finding a new person to talk to. As we entered, we met two very large dogs, gave them a loving pat, and continued walking. As we unsuccessfully left the neighborhood, our two new friends, the dogs, followed us. 30 seconds later I had a nice new, red tattoo of the teeth of a dog on my hand. I was bit by a dog.
Speaking of tattoos! We were walking to go teach a lesson when we spotted our investigator with a large group of people. We went to go see what was going on. That was when I was offered a free tattoo. It was a tattoo party. There was a long line of people waiting to get tattoos. Including a 7-year-old girl. I successfully convinced her NOT to get a tattoo.
(in the Hospital. This is one of my favorite Patients)
That was when her 14-year-old sister offered me a smoke of her cigarette. I was very tempted to say yes, take the whole pack, and throw it into the middle of the ocean. That is when a 15-year-old girl told her that members of our church do not smoke. I started talking to her about the church and I asked her how old her little brother was that she was holding. Nope. Not her little brother. It was her 4-month-old son.
After all this, we went to a dinner appointment. Finally, food! I was talking to the non-member grandpa about his latest hospital stay. I made the mistake of asking why he was in the hospital. He said because I had an operation right here, he stood up, and dropped his pants so he could show me much more than I wanted to ever see. Thanks Papi, but I did NOT want to see that.
During dinner, we ate Fafaroo! It was delicious! Granted I can't smell or taste, but the family didn't know that and was very impressed the little blonde American had three servings of the rotten fish.
All in the name of missionary work.
Oh, I'll be home on January 14th! My flight lands in SLC around 6:30pm. I hope to see you all there!
Tahiti Papeete Mission
Soeur Taylor, Morgan
B.P. 93
Papeete, Tahiti
French Polynesia.
Additional Photos sent this week: