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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day 23...January 5, 2014

Day 23...This morning was good for Morgan. We arrived just in time to help with breakfast and she ate pretty good. She still has the feeding tube but she seems to eat a little more. Some members brought the sacrament to us. It was quite the coincidence because it was actually my moms sister and husband, along with another couple, who were assigned to her floor. They came in and asked if there was a song we would like to sing. Morgan said "nearer my god to thee" we all said ok, and started looking for the song. Morgan said "it's on page 100". Sure enough it was. We sang and Morgan sang beautifully, every word. It was pretty amazing. By the afternoon she was pretty wound up. It doesn't take much. She had a few quick visitors -family- and she liked that. She even told some while they were leaving to "make the right choices". After they left she said "i will be their mom" we hope to have her in rehab probably Tuesday. We showed her photos and she remembered everyone. We tried to see if she could log on to her email account so she can read letters from her friends but she wasn't able to figure it out. I will have to see what I can do to figure that out for her. I know she was writing a lot of other missionaries and would love to read their letters. She was telling her nurse about her friend "Kendra" today. And also saw the photo her friend Natalie posted on her Facebook with both of them in sunglasses. She saw it and laughed and then automatically hit the "like"button. We keep her busy from grabbing her tubes by letting her play on the iPad. She knows how to run that, no problem. Well, another week ahead! We have Avery's birthday Tuesday and McKenzies Friday. I have a feeling this week is going to zoom by!

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